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<---::  Wallpapers <---::  LJ Icons <---::  Winamp Skins <---::  Banners <---::  Guestbook
..oo**Three Lights
Welcome to, a website dedicated to organizing one of the largest Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon galleries online. You'll find mostly scans, mp3s, and even video clips here. ^_^ We also try our best to bring you the latest info on the PGSM actresses. Please enjoy your stay and if you have any questions, just send a email!
..oo**The Site
Updates Policies
Layouts Links
Old Updates Staff
Guestbook Hostees
Sakura M SodaPop
Shattered Kasumi
Jewel Ruka
Rhorewyn Hitsugi
Niya PG Sango
Utasumi Patyu
Melodic M. Yaten
Jen Wing
Sailor Moon is created
by Naoko Takeuchi
LTD., Japan
Kodansha Animation
"Dreaming of You"
lyrics by Selena.
Page created by Lisa.

..oo**Link Us

Shingetsu Genvid
Nagareboshi Moon. F.
Pic. Perfect Ballads
Junketsu Sailor D.
Rina Koike Arctic K.
..oo**The 411
Dum dum dum dum! Have you ever wondered about the personalities behind ^.^ Wonder no more! Take a stroll behind-the-scenes! We promise we won't bite.... Well, maybe Lisa will... Just feed her and she'll go away.
The Staff Process
Collections Awards
..oo**Lisa's Cribs is Lisa's personal site. ^__^ She saw that so many webmistresses have their own personal site, and she didn't! So in jealousy, Lisa made a personal site for herself. YAY! A place for her to be evil. Beware.

Illusions is a little website that was put together for Japanese Sci-fi scan images. There are scans for Cutie Honey, Devil Man, Kamen Rider, Deka Ranger, etc. Its a small cozy site. =)

Full Blossom is a Hana Kimi website that was made on LJ. ^__^ Its relatively new, but Lisa's working hard on it. If you have a LJ and is a Hana Kimi fan, you should add it to your friends' list. is a collection of fanlistings for BoA's songs. Can download music and such too. =) If you're a BoA fan, please come join! ^__^ Support BoA!!

Ogura Yuko is a idol that is rapidly becoming an icon for Japanese pop culture. =) So Lisa opened up a fanlisting, gallery, news, thingymajigy fan site for her. Enjoy!

..oo**Image Policy
1.) Can I use this scan to make a layout / icon / banner / etc. ?
First of all, those of you who use the scans on this site for graphic designing purposes, good job! ^.^ When you take scans on this site for the purpose of artistically altering it, then you don't need to email me asking if you could use it. You don't have to credit as well, because the graphic design in the outcome would be something you made and created. So its your's. ^.~ Afterall, I enjoy looking at your graphic images.
2.) Can I use your scans in my gallery?
Yes, but only SOME scans, not ALL scans. And definately not whole portions of a gallery. Just credit back to We've been having a bit of a problem with our scans because there are so many people taking them, there's no way to track them down. Believe it or not, within 12 hours from updating, our scans would've already been posted in Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Vietnamese, or English forums world wide. It frustrates me that I won't know where the scans are going. So if you're going to use the scans for your gallery, you MUST credit. ( Imagine if you didn't credit, and someone came to your gallery and took the scans and placed it in a very naughty website. Or if they took the scans from YOUR site and placed it in their gallery and took claim to it. o.o I would be MAD because someone just stole my time and money. )
3.) I own an image board but can't make everyone who upload your images to credit you.
I understand that image boards are rapidly becoming a popular thing on the web. But please try your best to make sure credit is given to this site or any other site that the images were taken from. I'm going to be strict on the crediting thing from now on, because there have just been too many complications with it in the past. ( x.x People actually emailed me and went, "YOU STOLE THE SCANS FROM THIS SITE I KNOW!!!" I'd have to email back and go, "NO. SHE stole the scans from ME." )

And while I'm on this subject, I should just say to webmasters or webmistresses of image boards: Be very careful with your policies. When you run a image board, you become the owner of the gallery that will be formed. Even though you have no control over who uploads what, from which site, onto your image board, you have to regulate at SOME point. I know a very good PGSM site that has many scans but people were taking all the scans from their site without credit. So feeling frustrated, they water marked their images. ( Yes, I think a lot of you know which site I'm talking about. I worship that site so I'm standing up for them. ) But even so, that didn't stop people from stealing them. People would just take their images, cut out the water marks and upload them onto people's image boards. I went to a site, and SO much of the gallery came from "the other website." Being a fellow scanner, I know that in order to scan the images in, the webmistress must've had to bend her photobooks back so far, the pages would fall out. So seeing that people are stealing her gallery for their own image board, really makes me mad. Because not only were their hard work being discredited, their time was just completely stolen.
4.) Wallpapers / LJ Icons / Winamp Skins / Banners.
o.~ They're for your usage. Meaning they either go on your desktop, on your account in a forum, on your Winamp player, or whatever. But they are not to be used in anyone's website.
..oo**Absolutely Forbidden
PLAGIARISM is absolutely forbidden on this site! I am SICK of emailing people and go, "Why the (BLEEP!!) do you have my layout on your site?!!" Graphic designing is a form of art and it pisses me off when I see people taking my work and claiming it as their own. MY LAYOUTS ARE OFF LIMITS. Layouts are a websites' signature. You don't STEAL that from people! I don't want to see anymore of people screen capping my layouts for wallpapers neither!
I haven't caught the brilliant artist behind this, but when I do, be assured that he's in trouble because he spreaded it around the net already!

Also, I'm really mad that people from the BSSM and PGSM community have found their way to my private journal and have stolen my layout on that as well! Just because I don't write in my journal anymore, doesn't give anyone the right to steal my layout because I designed it! I spent hours on the graphics and then the coding for it. And it really really ticks me off to see someone else making a website out of it, at my expense!

Yes, I WOULD notice if you screen captured my layout and just changed the colors on it with a new header image. The pixelage, the lines, the text layout of it would still be the same! No layout in the world have the same pixelage, same lines, and text layout, UNLESS someone copied it! PLAGIARISM also extends to right clicking, viewing someone's source, and then pressing CTRL + A. I don't mind people looking at my source codes and borrowing elements from it. But I would mind if someone just click 'Save As' and copied my WHOLE PAGE of source codes.
Some of you are going, "Well, you didn't create these codings so what right do you have to bitch about it?" You are correct: I didn't create the codings. But I laid out the codings. In all my layouts, I hand type my own codings so I would know my own format, my own spacings, my own style of doing it. A painter does not create the paint he uses but he lays the paint out on the canvas to create a design. I didn't create the codings but I laid the codings out on a spread sheet to create a specific design. And when someone steals my spread sheet, believe me. That's PLAGIARISM. =) You guys even copied my errors on my codings. Bravo!
You guys are wondering why I am being so strict now, when I wasn't before. This is because things have gotten out of hand. People have stolen everything there is to STEAL off of a website: The bandwidth, the content, the graphics, the layout, and the source codes? Don't you think its becoming a bit ridiculous? I hate thinking that this site is becoming a free for all. Its NOT. So much of my time and money and effort was put onto this website. I hate it that so many people are taking advantage of it. I don't mind sharing my scans, which is why I put it on the net. But if I'm going to spend hours sitting at my scanner, or going to work for the cash to pay for magazines, then at least credit me for it.