"Deep inside... I know that I've lost much more than pride. Well, if happiness is getting further away, I'll miss you more than words can say... I need a miracle now..." - [ West Life ] -

Starlight Locket
My Live Journal
Contact / Email

"Losing you... Well it's been the hardest thing to do. So I close my eyes and tell myself that somehow I'll survive. You gave me heaven then you took it away. I miss you more with each passing day... I need a miracle now... So tell me, how can I change the world...? 'Cuz I sure can't change your mind. Where's the miracle I need now? Got to get you somehow... And it's so sad you're leaving me just so you can find yourself... And it's so sad that you just can't see, I love you more than life itself..."

-[ Change the World ]-
West Life

Mistress // [ Lisa ]
Cosplay // [ Chibi ]
History // [ 20 Years ]
Birth // [ March 22nd ]
Height // [ 5'8" ]
Strands // [ Black ]
Orbs // [ Brown ]
Skin // [ China ]
Whipped // [ Make-Up ]


Ya know? For every layout that I've made before, I had a political reason for making it. For this one...? Nope. No reason at all. I guess I was just bored. This is the first layout I ever made featuring me. x.x Eww? I also didn't know why I used this West Life song. I wanted to listen to something from my teenage days, so I put in this bubble gum pop song that I really used to like. Brings back a lot of memories. Now in days, english music are WAY WAY too complicated. I like Change the World. It maybe be bubble gum pop, but its simple. PLUS, I don't relate to it in any way possible. =)

March 28th, 2004

x.x Stupid bandwidth.... Stupid stupid stupid bandwidth. I'm bored out of my mind now. I just finished with the layout for Three-Lights.net V.5.0, but can't upload it because well.. Yea... Bandwidth died. So, feeling a little fed up with it, I changed servers.

Reason why I did that was mainly because of bandwidth and no other reason. o.o On a normal day, there are an average of 250 + unique visitors to the site. About 2000 + files get downloaded. On the weekends, there are 500 + unique visitors each day. An average of 4500 + files get downloaded. Which was why the site crashed in the middle of the month in March. ;____; Made me sad.

SO, now I'm just waiting patiently to get the website up again. In the mean time, only thing I do is surf the web, play with graphics, and search for new magazines. o.o Oi... I've been wondering if I should get a partner for this. Too bad none of my friends living here are really into PGSM.

<--- [ Lisa ] was BORED out of her mind @ 7:43 P.M.

March 26th, 2004

Wowo. o.o I feel so tired. From the moment I woke up, I was stressing about the class presentation. XD It was because I didn't even have a subject. I typed up a short speech but when I brought it to class, I realized that it didn't make sense at all. Can you guess what I did my presentation on? ^.~ Yep yep. Japanese imported products. I thought, "Well... Since I know so much about it, what am I worried about? I'm just gonna wing this." Turns out, everyone loved the presentation, even when I kept stuttering and jumping all over the place. I even bought everyone Pocky and Yan Yan snacks. Unfortunately, x.x I'm now broke 'cuz of that. But it was worth it.

<--- [ Lisa ] was BORED out of her mind @ 1:20 A.M.

March 25th, 2004

x.x.... Oi... I'm sooooo sleepy right now. I'm finally finished with this. It only took me two hours. o.o Not bad huh? Aside from the fact that the layout features icky little me, I like the colors. *nods* No more LJ for me, so I might as well make my own personal blog. One that won't have a bazillion people running through it, like what happened on LJ. Don't know why I cared through: XD I never have anything interesting to say.

I am now 20 years old. o.o Amazing isn't it? My teenage years are over... x.x I feel sad about that for some reason. I mean, when you're considered a teenager, you can do all sort of stupid things and still get away with it. But 20 years old... That's like... The age where you're considered an adult. And you can't even legally buy alcohol yet!!! Stuuuuupid. e.e;; I don't want to grow up. Don't wanna don't wanna!

XD Ha ha. My website is down so I can't even upload this onto the net if I wanted to. Oh well. Too bad. I'm going to sleep. I have my semester class presentation due tomorrow and I haven't even started working on it. Wish me luck. I'll need it for sure. See ya! ^.~

<--- [ Lisa ] was BORED out of her mind @ 3:00 A.M.